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Our Mission: Alleviating Hunger, One Disadvantaged Person at a Time

Welcome to HungerPrevention, an established 501c3 nonprofit where our commitment to action drives our mission to address the pressing issue of hunger. 

Global Challenge, Global Action

The World Bank estimates that in 2021, approximately 17% of the 1.4 billion Indian population was undernourished. These statistics are dismaying and overwhelming, but at Hunger Prevention, we recognize the power of small actions that can build up to a great collective effort. We firmly believe in the attainable mission of feeding our elderly population, one by one, and reaching as many as we can. As Mother Teresa wisely said, "If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one."

At Hunger Prevention, we acknowledge our privilege, express deep gratitude, and act upon these reflections by giving back in a meaningful, impactful way. Our commitment to justice and empowering others is not just a choice but a moral duty we wholeheartedly embrace. 

What We Do: Our Nonprofit Model & Planning

As citizens of the world, we operate internationally in Gujarat, India, where our founder was born and raised. In a global economy, we know that the value of a US dollar “goes further” in India than in the US. That is, the same donation has a greater purchasing power in India than in the US, which is why our team decided to operate there rather than locally.

By working with elderly people, specifically those without adequate family or governmental support or those with disabilities, we ensure our aid is directed to where it is most needed and impactful. Additionally, with minimal overhead costs, you can rest assured knowing that >97% of your donation is going directly to food acquisition and distribution. We are so proud of our growth story, and as of January 2024 we are serving 250 families in 37 villages and providing body and cloth detergents, loose tea, Jaggery (healthy replacement for sugar), red chili pepper, turmeric, salt, oil, and 2 kinds of lentils. Rice and wheat is provided by the government free of charge.

Most importantly, we approach this task with a deep sense of humility. Our US-based team takes the feedback and ideas of our on-the-ground team and the people that we serve in Gujarat, India very seriously. We simply listen to the beneficiaries’ input and amplify the needs they express, as we are here to serve them. In doing so, we view this collaboration as a true partnership. 

Support the Cause: Make a Difference Today

Every contribution, no matter the size, plays a crucial role in our mission. Your donation to Hunger Prevention Organization is not just a financial contribution; it's a symbol of compassion and solidarity. Together, let's turn compassion into action and make a lasting impact on the lives of those affected by hunger. Thank you.

[Note: Hunger Prevention Organization operates under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. Your donation may qualify for an income tax deduction in accordance with Federal and/or State income tax laws.]


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Making A Difference



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One Step at a Time

Never say 'No', never say 'I cannot', for you are infinite. All the power is within you. You can do anything.
- Swami Vivekananda

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 Office  Location  ( USA )  :  South Elgin,  IL                                         Office  Location  ( India )  :  Anand,  Gujarat  

Hunger Prevention Organization

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